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Idea, basic policy

Basic idea

We get rid of anxiety of patient and aim at the hospital which you talk with patient and a family well and understand heartfelt high quality medical care and can receive.

Basic policy

1)It is not only altitude, a specialist to offer high quality medical care 
 Seem to do mind nimotozuku team medical care of the cooperation; an effort island
2)Without patient forgetting to be the medical center; of the individual know
 In deference to a right, a right to decide; for protection of the privacy
 I make an effort.
3)I ensure the security of the staff with patient.
4)I am enriched and return education, the training of the staff with the spirit of self-advancement consistently
 I make an effort to be able to do it.

Right of patient

Right of patient
1.Personal dignity
2.Right to receive equal medical care
3.Right to receive the best medical care
4.Right to know
5.Self-decision right
6.Right of privacy

Medical treatment policy

Central medical offer of patient

I provide a health care service of the true heart for patient who took a viewpoint of patient.

Promotion of the conscientious medical welfare

In deference to a right of patient, I aim at relief and the conscientious medical welfare based on the trust.

Promotion of the community medicine

I contribute to the area, and, for establishment and the development of the local health medical care welfare system, the medical welfare is received in peace
I try for the making of medical corporation.

Improvement of education and the training of the staff

I act for participation in enforcement of the staff education and aggressive training, improvement of the medical treatment environment to offer better medical care.

Quality policy

It be said that it is natural to follow the social models such as laws and ordinances or the right,
I understand expectation and needs of patient, user and I always improve quality management systems of the service continuously and realize next.
Financial affairs    Sound management : Exclusion of the unreasonableness waste irregularity
I always make readers of the human resources education next generation

Our House is Japan Council for Quality Health Care authorization facility

In our hospital, "the hospital usability test" by the evaluation of health care services in Japan was authorized in January, 2008.
 As a hospital trusted in the high quality health care service, area, I want to provide high quality medical care positively continuously.
■With the hospital usability test■
I evaluated it in a neutral situation, and the function of the medical institution including the hospital was established as the third-party organization which supported the improvement of the problems that, as a result, became clear by a scientific point of view to be firm by trust for the medical care of the nation, and to plan more improvement of the quality. I perform the third party evaluation of the medical institution and am aimed for supporting for a medical institution to provide a high quality health care service.
For more details, it is
 Inquiry foam is this
TEL. +81-73-445-3101
I wait for the inquiry over the telephone
Medical corporation Fukuji fortune surgery hospital
Wakaurahigashi, Wakayama-shi, Wakayama
TEL. 073-445-3101
FAX. 073-445-4660
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