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Basic inspection daily dock

Daily dock

I diagnose the health condition of the whole body mainly on the lifestyle-related disease in detail compactly and do early detection, the prevention and the instruction that did a part to treatment. (approximately 3-4 time) 35,000 yen
※ Following; drift.
 Reception desk → Drawing blood, urine collection → The physical measurement, blood pressure measurement → Electrocardiogram → Medical general examination → The chest, abdominal simple X-ray check
→Abdominal ultrasonography → Stomach, duodenal X-ray check

Basic inspection brain dock

I make full use of the latest inspection equipment such as the MRI to prevent a stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, these diseases and check health condition "of" brain.
It is in a morbid state, or the person worried about "forgetfulness" can check the degree on a Hasegawa-style intelligence evaluation interview test.
 (2-3 hours) 35,000 yen
※Flow of the brain dock
Reception desk → The physical measurement, blood pressure measurement → Drawing blood, urine collection → Eyesight, audiometry → Interview (Hasegawa type) brain aging test
→Medical general examination → The carotid artery supersonic wave → The head X-ray check → Examination for head MRI, MRA
Medical corporation Fukuji fortune surgery hospital
Wakaurahigashi, Wakayama-shi, Wakayama
TEL. 073-445-3101
FAX. 073-445-4660
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